
I am a PhD student under the supervision of Jean Ponce and Jean Paul-Laumond. I am a student at Departement d’Informatique de l’ENS, and I work in the Willow team at Inria in Paris.

I received an MSc degree in applied mathematics from Ecole Centrale Paris in 2017. Before my academic journey, I applied NLP techniques to semantic web page identification for Numberly.

Today, my research interests are applying modern geometry to Robotics and Optimization.


Fine Dense Alignment of Image Bursts through Camera Pose and Depth Estimation.
B Lecouat*, Y de Mont-Marin*, T Bodrito*, J Mairal, J Ponce.

A minimum swept-volume metric structure for configuration space.
Y de Mont-Marin, J Ponce, JP Laumond.
ICRA 2023 Paper

Spherical perspective on learning with normalization layers.
S Roburin*, Y de Mont-Marin*, A Bursuc, R Marlet, P Pérez, M Aubry.
Neurocomputing Paper, Code, Project page


Planification de mouvement en robotique et en animation graphique
2022-2024 at ENS.

Side projects

Backend developer for the open-source website les portes du cinema to promote theater accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Game developer who participated in the GMTK Game Jams 2021 and 2023.